一个人 发表于 2015-5-1 16:37


      The Cobb angle, named after the American orthopedic surgeon John Robert Cobb (*1903-1967), was originally used to measure coronal plane deformity on plane radiographs in the classification of scoliosis. It has subsequently been adapted to classify sagittal plane deformity, especially in the setting of traumatic thoracolumbar spine fractures.      根据美国整形外科医生John Robert Cobb命名,最开始用于在前后位平片上测量冠状位畸形角度。测量方法:      To use the Cobb method, one must first decide which vertebrae are the end-vertebrae of the curve. These end-vertebrae are the vertebrae at the upper and lower limits of the curve which tilt most severely toward the concavity of the curve. Once these vertebrae have been selected, one then draws a line along the upper endplate of the upper body and along the lower endplate of the lower body as shown below.      首先需确定属于此弯的最后一个椎体,确定方法:两个椎体间隙凹侧>凸侧,即向凹侧成角最后一个椎体。确定后在最上椎体的上缘,最下椎体下缘分别划平行线,夹角即是。If the endplates cannot be easily seen, these lines can be drawn along the top or bottom or the pedicles.      如果椎体终板不能很容易确定,可以沿椎体上下缘、椎弓根划线,效果相同。
      The angle of interest is simply the angle between these two lines. However, with minor degrees of scoliosis, these two lines will probably intersect off the film somewhere, like downtown Seattle. Therefore, a useful theorem from high school geometry is used to help measure this angle. If one constructs perpendicular lines to these first two lines, these perpendicular lines will intersect on the film and will have the same angle between them as exists between the first two lines.       两条线夹角即是Cobb角,然而,如果Cobb角很小,做线的话,在平片上可能没有交点,可以过两条线分别做垂线,其角度等于Cobb角,如上图示。      When reporting this angle, it is important to mention that one is using the Cobb method and also which end vertebrae were chosen for the measurement. This latter data is especially important, since once chosen, the same levels should be used from then on to measure curvature on follow-up films. This information should be in the radiographic report, since it becomes part of the patient's chart and therefore lasts far longer than the radiographs, which are often recycled after 5 years or so.       当描述此角时,需要明确Cobb角测量方法和选取的哪个椎体为上下边缘椎,以便以后随访。(来源:网络)

大大 发表于 2015-5-3 20:46


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